Friday, July 26, 2019

Darcy's Run Mini-Book #1

So, the first book is written. Not very long and wasn't supposed to be. This was based on a tutorial I received from a package I bought on-line. Basically, I learned how to create an ebook. It was a trick, but it was a lot of fun. I will be writing more material based on the things that happen to our family. Jaimee will probably add some thoughts on her own at some point. Things are changing in the positive and it's nice to have a little education on how to do things.

Darcy's Run is on most ebook sites like KOBO, NOOK, Apple, Kindle. I tried to make it free, but some sites won't let me do that. Again, it's a really short book, but still fun to read. Here's the cover page:

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


This will be were my wife and I will be adding ideas and maybe offers for books that we write and put on Amazon. I'm still trying to get this whole thing together. Most things will revolve around the things that happen with our family, but not all of it.

Darcy's Run Mini-Book #1

So, the first book is written. Not very long and wasn't supposed to be. This was based on a tutorial I received from a package I bought ...